• Welcome
  • Retirement Income Strategy
  • Disclosure and Notices
  • Annual Members Meeting
  • Member Services


As a member of Mason Stevens Super, you and your adviser can create a portfolio with a wide selection of global assets from a diverse investment menu. There is also the option of professionally managed portfolios that invest in a range of asset types according to specific risk and return objectives.

You can move seamlessly between super, transition to retirement, or pension accounts within Mason Stevens Super while accessing your account securely online.

Benefits of engaging more with your super

Being engaged with your superannuation benefits is crucial for securing your financial future. Super is often the largest asset you’ll have outside of your home, so it’s important to manage it actively rather than just let it sit. By regularly reviewing your super, you can ensure your contributions and investments align with your financial goals, risk tolerance, and retirement plans.

Working closely with your financial adviser
To open a Mason Stevens Super account, you must be advised by a licensed financial adviser. Staying informed about your super and working closely with your financial adviser will help ensure you’re in the right investment option based on your age, goals, and the market. The difference in returns over time can significantly impact your retirement balance. Additionally, by monitoring fees, you can avoid paying unnecessary costs that might erode your savings.

Your super can also be impacted by legislative changes, such as those affecting contribution caps or tax treatment. By staying engaged, you and your financial adviser can take advantage of opportunities to maximise your retirement savings, such as making additional contributions, consolidating accounts to avoid fees, or choosing ethical investment options.

Retirement Income Strategy

Deciding when to retire is a big decision and one that is different for everyone
Most members have at least one common goal and that is to make sure they have the right level of income and flexible access to that income throughout their retirement. It can be a bit of a balancing act.

Planning is easy with the right support
So, whether you are planning your retirement or are already retired, there are a range of assistance and retirement income options to support your individual retirement journey.

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    Wellness Hub: This is an online space where you can access articles on the key aspects of your superannuation. The content will expand over time, making this a key reference source. Examples of the types of articles that can be found on the Wellness Hub include:
    1. Asset classes typically available within superannuation
    2. Investment risk and return in superannuation
    3. Easy ways to grow your super
    4. Superannuation and nominating a beneficiary

    You can access the Wellness Hub today by clicking here.

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    Retirement Planner: This is an online calculator, within the Wellness Hub, that allows you to enter information about your individual circumstances. Based on this information, the planner will project your superannuation balance and retirement income inclusive of the Age Pension and other assets outside of super, under variable contribution and drawdown strategies.

    You can access the Retirement Planner today by clicking here.

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    Advice: A financial adviser can work with you by taking a holistic view of your financial situation and exploring which retirement options may suit you best.

Retirement income options
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    Account-based pension: This is a flexible retirement income stream purchased with superannuation savings. An account-based pension provides flexible access to expected retirement income through either regular drawdowns, or one-off payments.

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    Age Pension: Based on your assets and income, you may be eligible for all or part of the Government Age Pension. If eligible, the Age Pension can provide you with an indexed income for life, regardless of market fluctuations.

You can find out more information on the Age Pension by clicking here.

Disclosure and Notices

We are committed to keeping you informed and engaged with your super. This page provides you with notices relating to updates made to the super fund’s disclosure documents that may impact your account, listed under Significant Event Notices.

Each year the Trustee reviews the product’s fees, investment performance, services, and insurance offerings to ensure they align with members’ needs and financial goals. You can access these assessments under Member Outcomes Assessment.

The Trustee is also required to publish information about the assets held in the super fund as part of enhancing transparency for members. Portfolio Holdings Disclosure gives you access to detailed information about the investments held in the fund to help you understand how your retirement savings are being managed.

Significant Event Notices
Member Outcomes Assessment
Portfolio Holding Disclosure

Annual Members Meeting 2024

A member meeting is held each year to allow discussion of the key aspects of the Fund and provide members with a forum to ask questions about all areas of the Fund’s performance and operations.

The Annual Members Meeting for the financial year 2024 was held Thursday, 20 February 2025 at 11:00AM (AEDT). The Annual Members Meeting was an online-only event.

Members had a chance to hear about the developments, achievements and performance of the super fund over the last financial year. The Trustee and Promoter also answered questions submitted to the Fund.

Meeting minutes & recording

Member Services

What insurance options are available?
It is important to understand and manage the insurance cover included in your super. You might be paying for insurance you don’t need, or not have adequate coverage when you do need it. Regularly reviewing this with your financial adviser could save you money and provide better protection. As a member of Mason Stevens Super you can integrate your account with insurance policies provided by industry leaders AIA, TAL and Zurich.
How do I nominate a beneficiary?
Nominating a beneficiary on your Mason Stevens Super account is important to ensure that your benefits are distributed according to your wishes in the event of your death. If you haven’t already nominated a beneficiary on your account, please speak to your financial adviser or contact us. It is as simple as completing the Nomination of beneficiary form. You can always update your nomination at any time should your circumstances change.
How do I view my annual statement?
Each year your annual statement is made available online for you to access and download. Simply login to your Mason Stevens Super account and navigate to the Document Library 🡪 Annual Report.